...Finally, one more reason:
When the three angels came to Avraham to inform him of the birth of a son, Yitzchak, Avraham fed them much bread. The Ramban (בראשית יח, ו) explains that the abundance of bread that Avraham brought them served as an Olah offering, thanking Hashem for the good news. The prosecuting angels on high were quick to accuse "Look, he's offering to mere angels and not to You, Hashem!" Hashem replied "Rest your case; you will see - I will ask him to offer his own son, and he will do so without hesitating (סמהדרין פט, ב)." And so it was.
Now, at this meal, an accompanying Minchah was not offered. On the way to perform the Akeidah (which was born out of the prosecution by the meal above), Yitzchak noticed that his father was prepared to repeat his mistake: he was ready to offer Yitzchak as an Olah without a Minchah. "What's this - an Olah without a Minchah?!" Yitzchak exclaimed, "I will institute a tefillah in place of the missing Minchah," Yitzchak concluded. Hence, the prayer bears that name.
של"ה חלק תורה שבכתב דרוש לפ' וירא סי' יד-טו
ועי' בפי' זרע יחצק למשניות ברכות פ"ד מ"א שמביא א"ז בשם המדרש שאינה ת"י
ועי' עוד בס"ספר החיים" (אחי המהר"ל) כעין דברים הללו, ואפשר שמשם שאב השל"ה דבריו
ועי' עוד בענין שם מנחה בחי' חת"ס פסחים קז, א ד"ה סמוך למנחה. ספר "תוספת ברכה" בראשית כד, סג. תיו"ט ברכות פ"ד מ"א
See here
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In the Posuk it states "where is the lamb for the Olah".
ReplyDeleteWhere does it mention that Yitzchak mentioned anything about the "Mincha"?
It doesn't say it in the passuk; it's in the "Midrash" that the shaloh and the zera yitzchak quote