
Monday, June 6, 2011

Forced Marriage, Can't Get Rid of Us

The Gemara (שבת פח, א) relates that when Hashem approached the Jews with the proposition of receiving the Torah, He was rather forceful about it. He suspended a mountain over their heads and asked them if they would accept it; if not, then and there would be their burial.
Why did Hashem choose such an interesting manner to give the Torah to His beloved nation?
Giving the Torah at Mt. Sinai was the wedding day of the Jewish people with Hashem (תענית כו ,ב). The halachah states that a person who forcefully marries a woman is obligated to remain married to her (if she so wishes) and, unlike all other marriages, is never allowed to divorce her. Were he to give her a get, it is invalid.
Hashem foresaw that His "wife-to-be," the Jewish people, just may end up in trouble and warrant a "divorce." This He did not want; so, He "forcefully" married them, thus disabling a divorce forever.
צפנת פענח חדש ערך נשואין וגירושין אופן הא
ועי' בגור אריה שמות יט, יז פי' דומה
ועי' לקוש ח"א שיחה ב' לפ' תצא
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