
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Why Are We allowed to Eat Meat?

When man was originally created, he was commanded to eat from the vegetation of the land; carnivorous activity was off limits. After the flood, Hashem revoked the ban and permitted Noach to partake of the animal kingdom.
Why was it originally prohibited and then subsequently permitted?
The Ramba"n explains:
"Ambulatory creatures have somewhat of a soulful quality, even slightly comparable to those who posses an intellectual soul: they have choice with regards to their own well-fare and sustenance; they flee from pain and death as well... [so why should man be permitted to eat them?]
When they, along with the entire world, became corrupt and sinned, their annihilation was decreed. Only for Noach's sake were they saved, to preserve the species. Thus, Hashem granted him permission to slaughter and eat them, for their existence is due to him."
רמב"ן עה"ת בראשית א, כט

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