
Monday, December 27, 2010

Why is it Called "Minchah?" Part II

...Developing this idea, some point out the lesson to be learned from the sun's descent in the latter part of the day: just as the sun bows towards and offers itself to its Creator, we should offer ourselves as well.
Others explain the title "Minchah" and the lesson therein as follows: The morning Tamid was offered as atonement for all the nocturnal wrongdoings, whereas the fats and limbs that were burned in the evening served as an atonement for the day-time sins. What purpose did the afternoon Tamid serve? Nothing - it was a selfless gift to G-d. As such, a most befitting title would be simply "Minchah - present."
To answer the question as to why Eliyahu was delivered specifically at the time of "Minchah" and to explain it's unique qualities, the Aruch Hashulchan explains that the minchah was the last offering of the daily service in the Beis Hamikdash. As such, it had the power of the "concluding offering," similar to the power of Ne'ilah on Yom Kippur. Thus, it deserves to have a namesake.
שו"ת רמ"ע מפאנו סי' כ"ב
שו"ת אמונת שמואל סי' כ הובא באלי' רבה סי' רל"ב ס"ק"א
ערוך השולחן ריש סי' רל"ב
See here

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