
Monday, December 20, 2010

"Barcheinu VeBrachah Hameshuleshes Batorah..." Part I

Every day, during Chazaras Hashatz, the chazan inserts a short prayer to replicate the daily birchas kohanim which is presently absent in the Diaspora. The opening clause reads as follows: "...Bless us with three-fold blessing in the Torah that's written by Moshe your servant, recited by Aharon and his sons, the Kohanim, Your holy Nation, as follows...," and the chazan proceeds to recite the three pessukim.
From the Hebrew wording, it's not clear where in the sentence the comma belongs: is it a "a three-fold blessing that's written in the Torah (comma) WHICH was written by Moshe," or is it a "three-fold blessing (comma) THAT'S written in the Torah by Moshe?" Also, why is it important to mention the co-author of Bible here (Moshe)?
This blessing is not mentioned in the Gemara at all, and its origins are most likely Geonic; indeed, the Chidushe Anshe Sheim brings that it's not from the tefillah that the 120 Elders composed (הגהות חידושי אנשי שם על המרדכי סוף פ' הקורא את המגילה). The Avudraham explains that the "three" reference is to three pessukim that comprise the blessing (אבודרהם סוף הל' שמונה עשרה). Accordingly, the comma would seemingly belong between the words "threefold blessing" and the words "written in the Torah."
However, The Rebbe writes that the "patach" under the "ב" of the words "בתורה" proves that the comma belongs AFTER the word "בתורה," thus grouping the words "המשולשת בתורה" together, meaning "the blessing that is three-fold in the Torah."
To be continued...
עי' שו"ע או"ח סי' קכ"ז ס"ב ובנו"כ
לקו"ש חכ"ד ע' 411
כתר שם טוב (גאגין) ח"א ע נ"ט הע' צב
See here

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