The Gemara in Eruvin states:
"We do not place an eruv techumim outside the city needlessly; it is done strictly for mitzvah-related things, such as going to the house of a mourner or a party." (עירובין פב, א. שו"ע או"ח סי' תט"ו ס"א)
R. Yakov Segal, the Mahari"l said "I have not seen any posek deem it permissible to make an eruv to be able to go to shul and daven with a minyan aside for the Sema"k and the Agudah.
R. Ikka asked him "Should davening with a minyan be less than a party?!"
The Mahari"l responded "Davening with a minyan is not so much a mitzvah, as one can daven in their house with fine concentration; we do not find that the Rabbis required one to daven with ten people. A party - a party of a mitzvah such as a wedding that is - is indeed a mitzvah!"
ספר המנהגים (מהרי"ל) הל' עירובי חצירות אות ז
See here
Where does "music" (mentioned in the headline) come in?
ReplyDeleteAlso: Is is really about "What is greater"? Perhaps the issue is whether you can accomplish the mitzvah without using the eiruv. Davening can be accomplished without using the eiruv whereas the mitzvah of wedding cannot. Thus, the latter has a need while the former has a need. This does not necessarily mean that one is greater than the other.