
Monday, January 31, 2011

What Happens if You Leave Your Sefer Open?

In the sefer "Kitzur Shala"h," the author brings the following story:
"A certain scribe completed his work for the night and left the scroll open to the verse [that he had just finished writing] '...and the goats will dance there.' (ישעיה יג, כא) Upon arising early the next morning before daybreak, he encountered a demon sitting on his chair. The demon told him 'know that I am the demon named שד - the Guardian of the Pages and I have come to harm you. Yet, I will forgive you for I heard during the ten days of penitence that I do not have permission to harm you. Instead, accept upon yourself not to write further until such a time.' And so he did."
R. Chaim Palagi writes that the reason R. Shimon bar Tzemach Duran (the Tashba"tz) merited to have his teshuvos printed in such a beautiful manner (large size and good binding) more than the other books of his days was because he was always careful to spread an honorable cloth over the open books he was learning from.
קיצור של"ה מסכת שבועות עניני לימוד הנערים
יפה ללב ח"ג (חיו"ד) סי' עז"ר סק"ג
ועי' בספרו רוח חיים ח"א סי' עז"ר
See here, and here

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