
Friday, January 21, 2011

Status Switch

The kohen enjoys an elite status even today. He is called up to the Torah first, he gives the special brachah of birchas kohanim, and enjoys other privileges as well. In the times of the Beis Hamikdash, the kohen was most certainly special as he was privileged with the holy task of the daily service.
The levi'im too were special, as they were charged with the job of singing in the Beis Hamidash, but they don't compare to their elite brethren.
Kayin was the first born son; after him came Hevel. Kaballah explains that Kayin was conceived in sin, and as such, the privilege of kehunah was taken away from the first-born and given to the kohen. It is explained further that the levi shares the same spiritual components as the first-born.
Thus, when Moshiach comes, things will change. At that time, the sin of Kayin will be purged, and so, the kohanim will be downgraded to the status of levi'im and the levi'im (representative of the first-born) will be upgraded to their rightful status of kohanim.
לקוטי תורה מהאריז"ל יחזקאל
See here


  1. See Tanya Perek 50 for an alternative explanation as to why the Levi'im will become Kohanim when Moshiach comes.

    (Interesting to note that the AR does not mention the flip side that the Kohanim will become Levi'im)

  2. The Ari does mention that... look further

  3. Ahrele, I said the "AR" meaning the Alter Rebbe look at the Tanya Chapter 50.

  4. Oh, ok, got it. Yeah, that is interesting...
