Have you ever gotten stuck with a chazzan that decided to get carried away with some songs - what should you do? Too busy to sit around and do nothing?
Well, the Mahari"l was a very busy man, so he figured out what to do in such a scenario. His students write that he would regularly bring a Tur (a major work of halachah) to shul and would learn from it while the chazzan would prolong the niggunim. If the chazzan decided to go for a long kedushah or kaddish complete with musical renditions, the Mahari"l would refer to his handy Tur to pass the time constructively.
Don't think the Mahari"l wasn't into the piyutim recited during davening. Not at all; he was very careful to say "krovetz" with the minyan, and would even reprimand his students that didn't do so and chose to learn a Tosfos instead.
מנהגים (מהרי"ל) הל' תפילה
ועי' מקור חיים (לבעל החוות יאיר) סוף סי' ס"ח מה שפירש בהנהגת המהרי"ל
See here
I recently learned that krovetz is an acronym for "Kol rinah veyishua be'aholei tzadimkim"
ReplyDeleteDan, we need mekoros, that sounds really interesting...