
Monday, January 10, 2011

Minchah After Shkiah

R. Yaakov ben Moshe Levi Moelin, the Mahari"l, among many other capacities, headed a Yeshivah and gave a shiur to the bachurim there. At times, the shiur would extend past shkiah and close to nightfall - tzeis hakochavim. Although the official time for Minchah had technically already passed, the Mahari"l would instruct his students - himelf included - to daven Minchah. He supported this practice from Talmudic sources and claimed that he had this as a tradition from his esteemed teacher, R. Shalom.
Similarly, R. Chaim Vital acknowledged that the Ariza"l was also known to daven Minchah at the time of shkiah, even on Friday night. Not only that, but he would ensure to recite both the silent Amidah and its repetition even at that late hour.
R. Moshe Sofer, the Chassam Sofer was known to daven Minchah even later than they did in the Chassidic town of Sighet...
מנהגים (מהרי"ל) הל' תפילה אות ה
שלמי צבור (אלגאזי) דיני תפילת מנחה סי' ב' ס"ג
ועי' שו"ת שאגת ארי' סי' י"ז באריכות ע"ד ההלכה
ועי' ספר פתח הדביר (פונטרימולי) פתיחה להל' מנחה סי' רל"ב בשם ספר כוכב מיעקב
ועי' שו"ת דברי יציב או"ח סי' צ"ח-צ"ט
See here
See here


  1. I thought Arizal was very into going out towards the woods before the onset of Shabbat to greet the queen. If he prayed Minkha so late, did he go out to the fields afterward - when it was already shabbat?

  2. Note, that there is also a long letter from RAV (Bartenura) to his father (who was ailing in EY) where he describes Friday afternoons/night in Mitzrayim. Mighty intresting read....Would love if you can post a copy of it.

    Keep up the great work.
