
Monday, August 29, 2011

Throwing Away Papa's Money

The Gemara (סנהדרין כב, ב. נדרים נא, א) tells us of a certain "Ben Eleasa" who would spend large sums of money in an effort to learn the unique hairstyle that the Kohen Gadol had in the Beis Hamikdash. The Gemara comments that this effort was "not for naught."
Why would the Gemara feel it necessary to inform the reader that it wasn't for naught - what would prompt one to think that it was?
The Maharsh"a explains: Let us examine this man's name - "Ben Eleasa." Why was he given this name; if he was indeed a wealthy and important man, why did he not merit to be addressed with his own given name? The answer is that this man did not accumulate his own wealth, rather he inherited it from his father. As such, his entire legacy was attributed to the owner of his money - his father.
Now, people in such a position usually squander their money as they do not appreciate its value. Therefore, the Gemara tells us that this man did not do that; "not for naught" did he expend large sums of money, for his motives were noble, as he was trying to learn about the ways of the Kohen Gadol.
מהרש"א חדא"ג נדרים נא, א ד"ה מאי בן אלעשה

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