
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Shmuel Hanavi's Hairstyle

The name of the father of the navi Yoel written in Tanach is “פתואל.” The Midrash (ילקוט שמעוני יואל רמז תקל"ג) writes that this was actually the navi Shmuel. Why was he given this name? One of the reasons is that it’s similar to the word “בתולה – a young girl,” and Shmuel would comb his hair like a young girl.
Now, why would Shmuel comb his hair like a girl?
Shmuel was a nazir. Being that even a Yisrael is not allowed to enter any part of the Mishkan with long and unruly hair, Shmuel was required to comb it and make it look nice so he should be allowed to enter the Mishkan in Shiloh which he frequented.
אור שמח על הרמב"ם הל' ביאת המקדש פ"א הי"ז
See here

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