The Kohen Gadol was supposed to be the "greatest of his brethren," surpassing them in - as the Rambam writes - "beauty, power, wealth, wisdom, and appearance."
Defining the exact difference between "beauty" and "appearance," R. Yosek Korkos writes a brilliantly detailed description of what beauty and charm mean:
"'Beauty' is the beauty of the face while 'appearance' is the [general] beauty of the entire being, what in our language is called 'presence.' This is also [a reference] to the charm of his figure, for there are people with a beautiful figure yet they do not charm their viewers, nor do they have a majesty to their face, and they do not impose fear upon those who behold them."
מהר"י קורקוס לרמב"ם מהל' כלי המקדש ריש פ"ה
ועי' במשרת משה (עטייה) על הרמב"ם שם שמפרש ע"פ הפסוק גבי יוסף יפה תואר ויפה מראה, ע"ש
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