
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Threefold Blessing

The Birchas Kohanim mentioned in the Torah "יברכך... יאר... ישא" is referred to as the "ברכה המשולשת - the threefold blessing." The simple explanation thereof is due to its composition of three pessukim which contain three distinct blessings.
Another interesting way of looking at it: The Gemara (ברכות ח, א-ב) says that a person should read the Parshah twice in Hebrew and once with Targum (Aramaic) "even the words עטרות ודיבן." Rashi explains that these words do not have an Aramaic translation. Indeed, the halachah states that such pessukim should be read three times in Hebrew, the third time in Hebrew replacing the missing Aramaic. (שו"ע סי' רפ"ה ס"א ובמשנ"ב שם סק"ג)
In light of the above, we can easily understand why the pessukim of Birchas Kohanim are labeled "threefold," for they have no Aramaic translation. Thus, we read them in Hebrew three times.
הקדמת בן המחבר דשל"ה הקדוש "עמוד השלום" פכ"ו
See here

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