
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Davening is Not an "Obligation"

Many of the mitzvos we do require a brachah prior to their fulfillment. Not all of them do however, and the Sages discuss at length the reasons for the lack of a brachah by each of these respective mitzvos.
One of these is tefillah. The common reason cited by many halachic works is the reason of given by the "Avudraham" (סוף דיני שמו"ע, הובא במג"א סי' ק"ו סק"ד): Tefillah does not have a "קצבה - a set amount/time," and is thus absolved of a brachah.
What exactly does this mean - why does the lack of קצבה absolve the need for a brachah?
The Gemara (ברכות כח, ב) says that one should not make their tefillos "set," i.e. it should not be a the product of a rote obligation, rather a sincere supplication from the heart. This is why one does not make a brachah prior, for the implication of blessing beforehand is that one is "fulfilling an obligation" and "doing his due duty," which we do not wish to convey. This is the true meaning of the words of the Avudraham: there is no blessing because it should be something that is not set and obligatory.
בגדי ישע על המג"א סי' ק"ו סק"ד
ועי' פמ"ג פתיחה כללות להל' תפילה בסופו טעם אחר
See here

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