The renown tzadik and gaon, R. Shlomo Kluger writes in his will:
"On my matzeivah there shall be no titles or praises; rather it should simply state 'Here rests Rabbi Shlomo, Moreh Hora'ah (decider of law) in the holy community of Brod, the son of... (titles) Rabbis Yehudah, the head of the Beis Din of Kamrov.' It should not state 'Moreh Tzedek,' for only Hashem knows if I indeed ruled correctly; therefore it should only state 'Moreh Hora'ah.' There should also not be any praises, for what gain is there with the 'song of praises.' For the purpose of man is to ascend to his creator as a complete korban. It says [regarding korbanos] 'And you shall not ascend up steps to my mizbei'ach': not through the steps and praises that will be said about him in this world will one ascend Hashem's altar. On the contrary - [as the passuk continues] '...that his nakedness should not be revealed': the heaping of praises will only bring more memory of his inadequacies rather than his virtues. As such, no praise or virtue should be mentioned on my matzeivah, nor with a eulogy; if only that He shall not see my inadequecies above. Let His love conceal our sins."
ספר "לשון צדיק" (צוואת ר' שלמה קלוגר) אות טז
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