
Monday, November 8, 2010

100 Brachos for Protection

The Gemara (Menachos 43b) mentions the obligation to recite 100 brachos every day. This is brought down in Shulchan Aruch as halachah (OC 66:3).
Why 100? There are many reasons; see the Gemara above. One reason given is:
In the "Tochechah" of Parshas Ki Savo, there are 98 curses that Hashem rains down on the Jews should they decide to err in their ways. Additionally, the passuk mentions "Also, all the sicknesses and plagues that are not written in this Torah Hashem will bring upon you until you are destroyed.(Devarim 28:61)" If you count these two generic curses, that gives you a grand total of 100. As a protection for these 100 terrible curses, we have the great insurance plan of 100 brachos every day.
ספר הרוקח הל' ברכות ריש סי' ש"כ
ועי' עוד בשו"ת ציץ אליעזר חי"ט סי' י"א

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