
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Machtzis Hashekel

Why do we specifically give the machtzis hashekel on Ta’anis Esther before Purim if the whole month of Adar is the time given in the Mishnah for the donation?
There are several reasons given:
1. In order to proximate it to the fast and attain the atonement that the tzedakah achieves. (כף החיים סי' תרצ"ד ס"ק כ"ה)
2. As a remembrance of the merit of the machtzis hashekel that the Jews gave in the time of Purim: The Megillah relates that Haman offered Achashveirosh 10,000 silver gulden if he would agree to his diabolical plan to eradicate the Jews. Achashveirosh agreed. On this the Gemara (מגילה יג, ב) comments “Hashem knew that Haman was going to give forth shekalim (the terminology used in the Megillah), so Hashem proceeded their (the Jew’s) shekel’s to his (Haman’s) shekel’s. This is why we are commanded to give shekalim from Rosh Chodesh Adar.” We thus see a clear reference to the Jews giving machtzik hashekel in that time.
Now, during the times of the story of Purim, the Beis Hamikdash was destroyed and they were therefore not obligated to give the machtzis hashekel; nonetheless, they went beyond the letter of the law and gave it. In the merit of this pious conduct, the Jews merited salvation. To commemorate this idea, we give the machtzis hashekel right before Purim.
שו"ת דברי יציב או"ח סי' רצ"ג
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